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267 email templates
Advice for your ebook

Hey {{first_name}},

Your blog article about [[topic]] was excellent. Your ebook on the topic was even better. The part about [[section]] was amazing because [[reason]].

But, I had to click around your website quite a bit to find the ebook. Have you ever thought about putting a call to action on the blog post that encourages visitors to download your whitepaper on the same subject?

Here's an article on how and why to do this: [[link]]

Let me know what you think,

[[your name]]

Congrats on new role

Hey {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your new role as VP Marketing. Based on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you've done an amazing job developing your career at {{company}}.

If there are ways I can help you get your message out to my network of [[title of people they're trying to reach]], please let me know. I'm a fan and I want to help.

Do you have a PR or content person on your team?


[[your name]]

Love your story + this [[article]]

Hi {{first_name}},

During some research of {{company}} , I came across your profile - love how passionate you've been the past [[number of years they've been working at the company, look it up on their LinkedIn profile]] years to help scale the [[department]] team, while also being that go-to advisor for your growing customers.

This [[software review site name]] review about [[highlight of the review relevant to your product]]. However, I imagine you still have customers requesting [[address pain point your solution solves]]. I'm curious - are any customer accounts at risk that would benefit from [[what you offer]]?

[[Recognizable brand name]], new [[your company name]] customer, needed a way to [[what you offer]]. Since leveraging [[your company name]], their [[major benefit]]. As a result, their customers experienced [[business impact]].

Does it make sense to explore ways we can help your team as well?

[[your name]]

Hunter's Trademark Protection - Adspend

Dear {{first_name}},

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you know eliminating competitors using the {{company}} trademark in their ads is more important than just for brand protection?

Why takedown ads which infringe on your trademark?

- Decreased CPCs for Hunter;
- Better click-through-rates;
- Protect your brand image;
- Increased CPCs for competitors.

BrandVerity automates monitoring of ads, identification of infringing ads, and makes submission directly to the search engines for takedown super easy. 15 minutes a week to do all that? Absolutely.

If you're interested in discussing further, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me here!

[[your name]]

8 Ways to Find Someone's Email Address in 2021

Hi {{first_name}},

Great article on how to find anyone's email address. Looking at the WHOIS is a great tip.

One of your article links is going to an old domain -

Last week, switched their email permutator link to us because:
- The copy buttons on the old domain above are broken
- Our permutator has rare, common, and all permutations for ease of use
- We have an email permutation video tutorial + Q & A section
- Our page has been ranked no. 2 by Google for the last few months.

Would you be open to linking to us instead?

Catch up at SaaStr

Hi {{first_name}},

Saw at SaaStr previously and thought you might be there in a week.

At Folderly, we can help Hunter with email deliverability and make sure that your email reaches your customer's inbox.

I will be there with @Brian Hicks, we would love to grab some coffee and explore potential synergies between our companies?

[[your name]]

Regarding One of Your Articles

Hi {{first_name}},

Recently one of my friends who owns a startup told me that, ''He started his own business with nothing and still has most of it''
Puns aside, I am Vignesh Wadarajan I own a blog where I write stuff about blogging and marketing.

While I was skimming through this article of yours (, I found out that you've linked to a well-qualified piece:- with Anchor Text:- 'starting a blog'

The resource is truly great, it clearly simplifies blogging and helps how one can go about it. But despite such extensive info, I felt that the content didn't talked a lot about:-

1) How to choose a less competitive (yet profitable) niche

2) How to do keyword research in the right way

3) How to do link building

Which I see as definitive pillars to start any blog and I mentioned all those points in my definitive guide on 'How To Start a Blog' (

You can check my piece thoroughly in your free time and if it's good, please go ahead & share my link. (Not to say that I would be damn thrilled)

Note: By no means, I meant to say that the current resource from your article is not qualified enough, but what I actually meant was that my article adds additional perspectives and it might cater well to your content.

Thank you,
[[your name]]

Sales team goals

Hello {{first_name}},

Did you know that an average sales person [[add a statistic about their pain point]]? Is your sales team achieving the goals?

[[Add your company’s value proposition]]

If you’re looking to accelerate your sales like our clients [[mention high-end client’s name]] did, let’s connect for a quick 15-minute call later this week.


[[your name]]

Follow up to Sales Manager Position

Hello {{first_name}},

How are you? I hope you are faring well.

I recently applied for the sales manager position and wanted to know when you are likely to communicate your decision. It would be an honor to join {{company}} and bring your sales projections to fruition.

I would be happy to submit additional information if you need it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

[[your name]]

Inside look at [[name of your product or service]]

Hi {{first_name}}, this is freaking awesome.

I had to show you this.

I’m in the middle of [[what you’re creating]] about [[benefit about why you’re creating this product or service]].

[[screenshot or GIF of a quick inside look at the product]]

See, here’s the brilliance of [[benefit]]:

Once you know [[what they’ll know after they’ve gone through your product or service]], you [[what they’ll do different]].

I used to have to [[what your reader is currently doing because they don’t have the insight of your product or service]].

Then I’d [[what your reader is currently doing]]. But now… oh baby, the game has changed.

I don’t have to wait [[what your reader is doing now]].

I can [[the cool thing your reader can do after they get your product or service]].

I show you the full details inside [[name of your product or service]].

[[sign off]],

[[your name]]

Goodbye {{first_name}}

{{first_name}}, this is the last time you'll receive an email about our email strategy. But before we say goodbye, I want to offer [[Low-risk offer]].

[[Explain Offer]]

Imagine what you can accomplish with [[Outcome]], [[firstName]].

Steal your [[Offer]] HERE. 😊


Hi {{first_name}},

I want to tell you the story of [[Client 1]] who....[[tell a story and handle some more objections.]]...And he ended up making [[Results]].

Why am I telling you this?

Well, because just like you, [[Client 1]] also had [[Problem]] but by using our strategy, they were able to [[Results]].

This, too, can be you, if you want, {{first_name}}.

Does it make sense if we talk about how to attack [[Problem]] and help {{company}} have [[Results]]?

If so, reply YES to this email or click here!

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