Hey {{first_name}},
I'm just checking in to see if you had a chance to read my last email.
If you're open for a phone/video call on [[day proposed]], let me know!
[[your name]]
Browse the best performing networking follow-up email templates.
Hey {{first_name}},
I'm just checking in to see if you had a chance to read my last email.
If you're open for a phone/video call on [[day proposed]], let me know!
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
It was a pleasure talking with you last night at [[event name]]. It was so interesting to learn [[something you learned about that person or their business that stuck out to you]]. As for grabbing a coffee some time, I'd love to take you up on that!
Do you have any availability this or next week? Good times for me are [[let the good times roll here]], but I will be glad to work around your schedule. Let me know if there are any days or times that work for you.
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
It was such a pleasure to meet you at the RW Networking Event yesterday. Thank you so much for your time and for sharing your stories about how you broke into product management - such valuable insight as I start my own career journey!
If it's OK with you, could we stay in contact if I have any questions?
Thanks again!
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
It was great to meet you last night at the [[event name]]. I enjoyed our conversation afterward — particularly [[describe a specific aspect of the conversation]].
[[Provide something of value here]].
Stay in touch,
[[your name]]
Hey {{first_name}},
It's been a while! It looks like you've been doing some exciting things since we worked together at [[company]]. How is your [[current job]] going?
I'm sure things are busy, but is there a day soon when you might be free to catch up over lunch or coffee? It'd be great to reconnect. I hope you've been well.
Take care,
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I was [[whatever action you were doing that brought them to mind]] this week and you came to mind. Just thought I'd check in and see how things are going. I see that [[check up on their site to see what's new and mention it]]. Looks like you're [[action implied by your observation]]—very exciting!
Hope all is well,
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
It was great to meet you last night at the [[event name]]. I enjoyed our conversation afterward—particularly, [[something specific they talked about that stuck out to you, that you admired, or that inspired you]].
Here is [[something you mentioned in the conversation]] OR When thinking back on our conversation, this [[tool/article/resource]] came to mind that you might find interesting:
[[link to the tool/resource]]
Stay in touch,
[[your name]]
Hi {{first_name}},
How are you? I can't believe it's been [[time frame]]! I just took a look at [[their site, recent work, blog, social media feed]] and [[brief but specific compliment]].
I am reaching out to see if you'd be interested in meeting up for another [[idea exchange/coffee chat/whatever term makes sense here]].I also would love to [[find something you can show them that may be of use to them]] that you might find useful as well—and of course use it as an excuse to catch up!
Hope all is well,
[[your name]]
Read more: How to Write a Follow-Up Email After no Response (With Examples)
The subject line is the first thing your prospects see, and they may decide whether or not to read your emails based on the subject line only.
So try not to be too obvious by having “Follow-up” or “Just checking in” as subject lines for your follow-ups. Be a bit more creative and write a catchy copy that makes users open your email.
These are the key rules to follow while writing subject lines for your follow-ups: make them personal, keep copy short, ask intriguing questions.
Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line
At Hunter, our key rule is to focus on writing irresistible emails instead of adding too much follow-ups. So we recommend limiting to three follow-ups for your cold email campaigns. If you are sending too many follow-ups to someone who’s never heard about you, you may seem an annoying person and damage your company brand.
If you still feel three follow-ups is not enough or that you can provide more value/spark interest for your prospects—don’t hesitate to use other channels. Twitter or LinkedIn could easily help you to deliver your message on a personal level.
Read more: How to Write a Follow-Up Email After no Response (With Examples)
Around 90% of emails are opened on the same day they are sent. The same for the responses—the chances are that your prospects get back to you the same day your campaign was sent are much higher.
So don’t wait for too long to send your follow-up email. Typically, 2–5 days is the best timing to remind prospects about your offer.
Read more: How to Write a Follow-Up Email After no Response (With Examples)