Cold email templates

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267 email templates
Better fit

Hey {{first_name}},

I know you must be super busy, is there someone else on your team that might be a better fit for me to reach out to for chatting about [[your service medium]]?

[[Your Name]]

Point me towards the right person

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m trying to figure out who is in charge of [[leading general statement]] at {{company}}?

Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?

Thanks in advance,

[[your name]]


Hi {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your recent round of funding!

Your shining reviews on [[insert link or mention site]] say a lot about your team. It’s clear that you’re going to make an impact on the [[insert industry/market]] soon.

I just wanted to say congratulations, I look forward to more good news about {{company}}.

My name is [[your name]], I work at [[your company]], and we [[one-pitch sentence]]. If you need anything at all, just give us a shout.

RE: [[article you read name]]

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is Grace, I'm the Director of Growth Content over at Dialpad. I was browsing your blog recently to brush up on some knowledge to share with our readers. While I was reading [[article]] I was struck with a thought:

This site makes great content! It would be awesome to work with them.

So I thought I would introduce myself. I want to contribute to your blog and work with you in a number of ways:
- I can share your content either on our site for our readers, or I can share it in an upcoming post I have on a different domain.
- I'd also love to consider contributions from you!
- I think my current content partners would love to work with you as well—and I'm happy to introduce you!

For reference on my writing style and quality, these are some of my recent work:

[[examples of recent work]]

Let me know what you think!

Do you accept guest posts?

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you are doing well. I’d like to write a well researched and informative guest post for [[company]]. Are you accepting posts at the moment?

I’m [[your name]], the [[position]] at [[company]]. We are one of the leading proposal platforms. I try to write several guest posts a month. I've written for sites like [[site 1]] and [[site 2]]. If you are open to accepting guest posts, I’d love to pitch some ideas or hear about your editorial or keyword focus for this quarter.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing back from you.


Quick one {{first_name}}

Namaste {{first_name}},

I'm [[your name]] from Relax Like A Boss, a site about wellbeing and stress. And this is a pre-meditated approach.

(My zen teacher says it’s ok to send emails - just no attachments.)

Anyway, I recently ‘found myself’ on your page about meditation - [[their url]] - it was cosmic.

We actually just posted our ultimate guide to meditation journals, which I thought would really compliment your page. Would you consider linking to it?

Boom, chakra lacka - here’s it is: [[your url]]

If you did link to it, I'd be happy to promote any of your blogs to my social media followers as a way of saying thank you (and spreading good karma)

Please let me know what you think?

Peace out,


Article on link building

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you’re well.

Did you know that 41% of marketers say that link building is the hardest part of their job? Research from Social Media Today suggests that this critical part of SEO is one that professionals struggle with most.

I’d like to write an article covering the basics of link building – the types of links available, why backlinks are most important and share some of my best tips on how to achieve them. As a marketing professional, I’ve spent the past ten years specializing in the backlinking process and have plenty of tips and tricks of the trade to share.

Please let me know if this is of interest or send more information or answer any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

[[your name]]

Ideas on [[topic]]

Hey {{first_name}},

I’m [[name]] from [[company]]. I see you’re going to be attending the [[event]] this [[time]]. I have a few interesting ideas to share with you about [[topic]]. Would you be interested in a chat?

10x {{company}} traction in 10 minutes

Hello {{first_name}},

I have an idea I can explain in 10 minutes that can help {{company}} get its next 100 best customers.

I recently used this idea to help our client [[SaaS company/competitor]] almost triple their monthly run rate.

{{first_name}}, let's schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can share the idea with you. When works best for you?

Looking for [[job name]] in [[job location]]

Hi {{first_name}},

I see that you are currently looking for a [[job name]] in [[job location]].

I am reaching out to see if you have built a pipeline of a-players for the role. At {{company}}, we focus on building top class sales teams for B2B software companies.

We’ve been operating in the space for 6 years and have a combined experience of more than 30 years. As former sales leaders, we understand the space really well. Last quarter, we’ve placed top sales people at companies like Salesforce, Oracle, SAP and many more!

On an average, 98% of the people we place hit their quota and stay with you for 4.1 years average compared to 2.3 years industry average.

I would love to speak with you about how we can help you achieve your sales and recruiting targets. Are you open to speak tomorrow at 2:30PM?



Hunter's Trademark Protection - Adspend

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you know eliminating competitors using the Hunter trademark in their ads is more important than just for brand protection?

Why takedown ads which infringe on your trademark?

- Decreased CPCs for Hunter;
- Better click-through-rates;
- Protect your brand image;
- Increased CPCs for competitors.

BrandVerity automates monitoring of ads, identification of infringing ads, and makes submission directly to the search engines for takedown super easy. 15 minutes a week to do all that? Absolutely.

If you're interested in discussing further, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me here!

[[your name]]

Better content

Hi {{first_name}},

This might sound impossible, but this is marketing automation made easy. LottaZoom helps drive demand generation within the content marketing process with our JayBase Integration.

You can create, review, and manage JayBase Email Templates and Landing Pages then push them directly into JayBase, without having to copy/paste or jump around different platforms (finally!).

In addition to this automated awesomeness, we can pull metrics from content that was pushed from LottaZoom. This will make you and your team's lives a lot easier to get instant insights on the performance of marketing campaigns to generate even better content and stories.

If this sounds like something that will make your life a whole lot better, let's chat for 15 minutes this week. How's your calendar look this Thursday?


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