Cold email templates

Find inspiration from best-performing cold emails, sorted by categories.

269 email templates
Solution for [[challenge]]

Hi {{first_name}},

In working with other [[industry or position]], one of the key issues they’re struggling with is [[key issue]].

This past year we helped numerous companies to [[business driver]], resulting in [[money saved, revenue added, productivity increases]].

If this is something you’re challenged with too, let’s set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help.

All the best,
[[your name]]

How you handle [[problem]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is [[name]] with [[company]].

I help [[industry]] companies with [[one liner]]

I wanted to learn how you handle [[things your company handles]] at {{company}} and show you what we’re working on.

Are you available for a brief call at [[time options]]?

Kind regards,
[[your name]]

Right person

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope this note finds you well.

I’ve been working for a company called [[your company name]] that specializes in [[describe your company’s products or services]].

In thinking about your role at {{company}}, I thought there might be a good fit for your group.

Our [[specific product or service]] has garnered a lot of attention in the marketplace and I think it’s something that your organization might see immediate value in.

Can you help me get in contact with the right decision-maker?


[[your name and title]]

Appropriate person

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m writing to follow-up on my previous email as I didn’t hear back from you. If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.

If not, could you please let me know who the appropriate person for me to talk to is?

Thanks for your help,

[[your name]]

Trying to connect

Hey {{first_name}},

My name is [[name]] and I'm with [[my company name]]. We work with organizations like [[company name]] to [[insert one sentence pitch]].

[[One sentence unique benefit]].

Could you direct me to the right person to talk to about this at {{company}} so we can explore if this would be something valuable to incorporate into your events?


Solve [[problem]]

Dear {{first_name}},

Do you struggle with [[problem]]? [[describe problem in greater detail]]

Here at [[your company]], we’ve helped many other businesses deal with this problem by [[short explanation of your product]]. Businesses we’ve worked with have seen [[evidence of tangible improvement]] as the result of [[product]].

Would you like to speak to me and learn more about how we can help? Let’s set up a phone call soon.

Warm regards,

[[your name]]

I'd love to feature {{company}} on Hunter's blog

Hey {{first_name}},

My name is Irina from Hunter.

I’m currently working on a guide on how to create a perfect subject line for cold outreach, and I’d love to feature {{company}} there.

If you’ve ever sent a cold email campaign and have a subject line that worked the best for you, feel free to share it with us via this short form.

I’ll be happy to add your insights to the best practices section inside of the guide and link back to your website.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anyone else at {{company}} who I can contact regarding this.

Have an absolutely amazing day!

Content for [[blog]]

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m [[name]] from [[company]]. I saw that you’d published a couple of guest posts from industry experts in the [[target]] niche over the past 12 months. Are you still accepting guest posts?

In the last 12 months, I’ve written numerous articles for authority sites in our industry. Here’s a quick snapshot of the type of content I’ve written for your reference:

[[Article 1 | Search Ranking]]

[[Article 2 | Search Ranking]]

[[Article 3 | Search Ranking]]

Hopefully, you can see that I only write thoroughly researched content. The content has a habit of ranking well in the search results too :)

I’d love to share a couple of ideas for a guest post that I think would rank well on Google.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Available for a chat?

Hi {{first_name}},

Love what you guys are doing at {{company}}! With all of the startups you work with, do you need assistance with [[pain point]]? With tools like [[your tool]], you can easily organize and track customer payment info, even on the go.

Would you be available for a 15-minute chat this week?

Thank you for your time,
[[your name]]

Reaching out to you via [[name]]

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is [[your name]], I was given your name by [[name]]. I run a [i[ndustry]] business and it sounds like we could benefit from knowing one another! I browsed through your site—love [[something about their site, products, services, etc.]]

If you ever want to meet up for coffee or have a phone/video chat to exchange ideas, let me know! You can also call or text me at [[number]].

Have a great rest of your week,

[[your name]]

Collaboration or link sharing options?

Hi {{first_name}},

I noticed we are both writing on topics related to B2B Lead generation and why not work together?

Yes, it means we both target the same keywords but as would say in Dutch; "Alone you will go fast, together you will get further".

That is our philosophy when we started the site, working together with other professionals like yourself to provide high-quality content to marketing and salespeople.

- Would you be open to collaboration? We are open for the following;
- Backlink exchange
- Guest blogs (both ways)
- Any other possibilities

Let me know what you think!


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How to write
a cold email?

  • Write a catchy opening line. To make your prospect read your cold email, in your opening line, mention a mutual connection, ask a relevant question, use a trigger event, or start with the prospect's problem.
  • Personalize your message. It makes sense to spend time on high-value prospects and manually add a personal touch to every email you send. You can have a single template for the outreach, but add very specific information for each of your prospects to make the message relevant to them and provide maximum value.
  • Keep it short and easy. There are three key elements your cold email should contain: who you are/or a short introduction, what your offer is, the action you want a prospect to take. Try to eliminate unnecessary greetings and wordy sentences.
  • Provide value. While writing your cold email, talk about the benefits prospects will get, not the features you sell.
  • Include a CTA. The CTA should have a perfect match with the goal of your cold email. Try to focus on a single thing you want to achieve with your outreach.
Read more: How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

How to write a
follow-up email?

While writing a cold email follow-up, you can follow the main principles we shared above for cold email writing. However, don’t forget about these principles as well:

Avoid sounding passive-aggressive. Direct aggression is relatively easy to spot, but more subtle passive-aggressive phrases can sneak into your follow-ups almost without thought. These kinds of microaggressions can exasperate your prospects and quickly chip away at the goodwill and all and mutual trust you have established. Hence, try to omit such passive-aggressive phrases in your follow-up emails:

  • I’m following up because you haven’t responded to me yet
  • I’ve tried to reach you a few times now
  • I know you’re busy, I’m busy too
  • Just checking in

Remove desperation. Yes, you might be upset because your prospect didn’t respond to your previous four follow-ups, but don’t show them your distress. These phrases are a right signal you sound a bit desperate, so try to omit them as well:

  • If it’s not too much trouble
  • I apologize in advance for bothering you

Craft a perfect subject line for your follow-up. Try not to be too apparent by having “Follow-up” or “Just checking in” as subject lines for your follow-ups. Be a bit more creative and write a catchy copy that makes users open your email.

Read more: How to Write a Follow-Up Email After no Response (With Examples)

How to write
a good subject line?

  • Make it personal. Besides personalizing your cold email subject lines on a basic level (including first and company names), you can collect even more information about your prospects before reaching out to them and use it to improve your open rates. For example, it could be their position, industry, mention of the content they wrote, the place you met, etc.
  • Keep subject lines short. It’s easier to catch a prospect's attention with something short, sweet, and straight to the point. Besides that, it’s important to keep subject lines short because they will get cut off if they are too long, especially on mobile devices.
  • Ask questions. If you ask a question relevant to your prospects, they are more likely to open your email and start looking for the answer. Try to use open-ended questions since they are arousing curiosity.
  • Use power words. Power words are words of persuasion that often evoke an emotional response and lead to the desired outcome. They engage the reader's imagination and make them open emails. Here are some of the power words examples you can use for subject lines: astonishing, key, private, best, official, expert, simple, easy, ready, etc.
  • Don’t use clickbait. It doesn’t make sense to create “loud” subject lines for your cold outreach campaign. In the end, what matters is a conversion rate, not the open rate of your emails.
Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line
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