Sales email templates

Browse the best performing sales email templates.

102 email templates
Broken link on [[page]]

Hey {{first_name}},

I noticed the link leading to [[Reference Link]] on your homepage [[Link to Page]] appears to be broken. I wanted to point it out so that it doesn't impede your traffic going forward.

While we're at it, there are a few ways I see for you to optimize your entire homepage to drive more traffic to the rest of your site. I put together a quick video of 10 tips that you can reference during your next audit/review. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions!


Hunter's Trademark Protection - Adspend

Dear {{first_name}},

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you know eliminating competitors using the {{company}} trademark in their ads is more important than just for brand protection?

Why takedown ads which infringe on your trademark?

- Decreased CPCs for Hunter;
- Better click-through-rates;
- Protect your brand image;
- Increased CPCs for competitors.

BrandVerity automates monitoring of ads, identification of infringing ads, and makes submission directly to the search engines for takedown super easy. 15 minutes a week to do all that? Absolutely.

If you're interested in discussing further, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me here!

[[your name]]

How do you acquire customers?

Hey {{first_name}},

I'm doing some research about how businesses in [[lead's industry]] are acquiring customers, and their primary concern is the difficulty (and expense) of ranking in Google and [[more specific industry pain point]].

Is this something that you're also challenged with at {{company}}?

Some [[lead's industry]] businesses have told me they focus on inbound marketing - things like blogging, ebooks, and webinars - and others have told me they rely strictly on PPC and paid traffic.

If you have a couple of minutes, would you be open to hopping on quick call? I'd be interested to see where {{company}} fits within this spectrum. It shouldn't take more than 10 or so minutes and I can share with you some of the tactics that other businesses like yours have been using to great success

Let me know what works for you!


Current [[process]] at {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you are doing well!

I work with [[your company name]]. I would love to connect with the person who is in charge of [[mention the department that is relevant to your product/service]] to understand your current processes and suggest how [[your product name]] can add value to {{company}}.

I am listing a few features below that might interest you:

[[resource 1]]
[[resource 2]]
[[resource 3]]

I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks in advance.

[[your name]]

App performance issues

Hey {{first_name}},

We've been hearing from several existing Keyace's customers that they've been experiencing significant application performance issues recently. We can imagine your team would be getting frustrated if that's also happening at Linecom!

We've developed our solution to support leading enterprises such as Unalax, Zamlax and Dunder Mifflin with stability, security and reliability in mind so you won't have these problems with Domcam.

Are you available early next week to discuss why companies like Codelux, Quotabar and Drillfan moved from Keyace to Domcam this year? If not please let us know when's best to reconnect.


Congrats on new role

Hey {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your new role as VP Marketing. Based on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you've done an amazing job developing your career at {{company}}.

If there are ways I can help you get your message out to my network of [[title of people they're trying to reach]], please let me know. I'm a fan and I want to help.

Do you have a PR or content person on your team?


[[your name]]

Why RuffArmor's missing (on Google's first page of search results)

Hi {{first_name}},

Did you know your website isn't visible on Google's first page of search results? Even though you have popular keywords on your website.

This problem could be due to several reasons, like your site's key phrases aren't very competitive or site pages aren't performing on searches.

Not having that visibility is losing you money every month.

SEO Incorporated found that having competitive SEO phrases are key to getting your site on Google's first page.

Those phrases were linked to growing your business 73%, resulting in an average of $15,000 for companies surveyed.

In other words, if your pages and SEO are set-up properly, the very people you want to attract to your business will find you.... on their own through organic (i.e. free) searches. So your budget is free to focus on other avenues like video customer testimonials, new product lines.

Interested? Hit reply for your free website audit report.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Use paid media successfully

Hey {{first_name}},

How are things going with {{company}}? I noticed that over the last month you've been investing in Facebook and Google advertising. At [[your company]], we help organizations like yours ensure that their media budget is being best spent and optimized for results. I think there are a few areas in which you could improve your current paid media spend.

Here are a few simple opportunities you may be overlooking:
> [[Tip 1]]
> [[Tip 2]]
> [[Tip 3]]

We put together a case study about how we helped [[Similar Company]] find success using paid media. Would you be interested in checking it out? They went from a [[XX]] click-through rate on their advertisements to [[XX]]. Let me know!

Great job with your content

Hi {{first_name}},

I saw your content on [[platform]]. I loved it so much I shared it with my [[team, boss, friend]].

You guys are doing great things. I like how you [[specific compliment on something lead or lead’s company published or did]]. And I know you’re busy, so I’ll make this quick:

We’ve spent over 2 hours to create a personalized demo for [[company]] on how to [[achieve result]]. I would love for you to have a look and let us know if you find it useful at all?

[[Company Name]] [[Service]]

Hey {{first_name}},

I wanted to reach out and give you a heads up that I’ve been loving the [[your service medium]] coming out of {{company}} these past few months. I can appreciate great [[your service medium]] when I see it 🙂

Just shared your recent [[post, project, design, rebranding work, app, etc]] about [[xyz]] with my audience on Twitter and I also mentioned the platform as a great resource in one of my recent blog posts [link] and in my highly trafficked blogging courses.

The other reason I’m reaching out is because a large part of my business is working with brands like [[reference any relevant past clients or even full-time gigs]] and others to help scale [[your core service offering]].

Would you be up for chatting about {{company}} [[your core service offering]] or connecting me with someone else on your team if that’d be a better fit?

[[Your Name]]

P.S. Here’s where you can read more [[link to portfolio page if possible]] about my process and the clients I’ve worked with.

{{company}} on Google Ads

Hey {{first_name}},

I just saw your ad on Google Ads & I researched a company similar to yours, [[competitor]].

Good news - I found some gaps in their paid ads strategies that you could leverage.

But first, I'm [[your name]] and I help SaaS companies grow with paid ads (increase ROAS while reducing CaC).

First thing I noticed about those guys - is that they have pretty weak ads in general..

To give you a leg up, I'd love to send you our free SaaS CheatSheet for Google Ads - I think you'd find it pretty valuable.

(This contains some of our most favorite ads after doing countless competitor research over the years & spending nearly 8 figures on paid ads).

Do you mind if I share the cheatsheet with you?

Just reply "Yes" & I'll send it over.

Suggestions on [[topic]]

Hi {{first_name}},

It looks like you checked out [[your product/services]] at {{company}}.

As I couldn’t get back to you earlier, I am reaching out now to know the status of your pesky difficulties and love to share some [[suggestions/ideas]] to find the solution.

If we could spend 15 mins on [[date]] at [[time]] to chat about this, it will be great for you to move forward with confidence.

I look forward to hearing from you.

[[your name]]

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How to write a cold sales email template?

  • Write subject lines like a real person. Provide a quick overview of your email content, keep it short and simple. You can even ask a relevant question or mention a mutual connection in your subject line.
  • Create a perfect opening line. Make your prospect interested in reading your sales email from the very first line. Explain the context of your email shortly, build the trust, or refer to someone or something they already know.
  • Keep your email short and easy. A good sales email provides additional context on who you are, clarifies the problem you’re solving, and highlights the benefit to the prospect.
  • Include a powerful CTA. Create a single and powerful call-to-action that will be clear to your prospects.
  • Don’t forget about your signature. Besides a typical signature where you mention your name, company, and website, you can add a link to your latest case study, video, or webinar recording.

Read more: How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

How to write sales email subject lines?

  • Make your subject line personal. Mention the prospect’s name, company, or offer relevant to them. Write subject line like a real person (even if you automate your outreach), double-check if you don’t have brackets showing form field labels, extra spacing, or the wrong name in a subject line since it all show an apparent lack of care.
  • Ask questions in your subject line. Having a relevant to your prospect question can dramatically improve your open rates; you just need to intrigue prospects with the content behind your subject line.
  • Keep subject lines short. Best subject lines have something in common - they are short and straight to the point. It’s much easier to catch prospects’ attention this way. Besides that, it’s important to keep subject lines short because they will get cut off if they are too long, especially on mobile devices.

Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line

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