Networking email templates

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18 email templates

Hi {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your recent round of funding!

Your shining reviews on [[insert link or mention site]] say a lot about your team. It’s clear that you’re going to make an impact on the [[insert industry/market]] soon.

I just wanted to say congratulations, I look forward to more good news about {{company}}.

My name is [[your name]], I work at [[your company]], and we [[one-pitch sentence]]. If you need anything at all, just give us a shout.

Similar article

Hi {{first_name}},

I enjoyed your post on [[site]] and I found it very useful, it left me with some practical ideas to implement here at [[your company]].

I thought I’d return the favor and give you something useful too. I found this article on [[article topic]] that may be beneficial to you.

Here’s the link to check it out [[link]].

I hope it helps you and your team.

Reaching out to you via [[name]]

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is [[your name]], I was given your name by [[name]]. I run a [i[ndustry]] business and it sounds like we could benefit from knowing one another! I browsed through your site—love [[something about their site, products, services, etc.]]

If you ever want to meet up for coffee or have a phone/video chat to exchange ideas, let me know! You can also call or text me at [[number]].

Have a great rest of your week,

[[your name]]

Introducing [[name]]

Hi {{first_name}},

How are things going at {{company}}? I'd like to introduce you to [[person, linked to their LinkedIn profile]]. [[Describe the person briefly as it relates to why you are introducing him, with something unique/praise-worthy about them if possible]].

[[Name]], meet [[name]]. [[Briefly describe how you met]]. [[Mention this person's strengths and abilities in the topic of focus and their willingness to chat (provided it is true)]].

I'll leave it to you two to find a time to connect!


[[your name]]

Looking to exchange ideas with a fellow small business owner

Hello {{first_name}}

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [[your name]] and I am in the early stages of my own [[business type]] business. I've been doing some marketing research in this and related fields, and {{company}}really stuck out to me. I admire [[what you admire after giving the site a thorough browse]]

Would you have any time in the near future to meet or chat on the phone? I'd love to learn about some of tools you use—and I'd of course be glad to offer any tips or tools from the [[your forte]] side of things. My schedule is very flexible, so I can absolutely work around yours, but here are some days/times that work for me in case it helps you:


Looking forward to hearing from you!

[[your name]]

Request to chat about [[what you want to chat about]]

Hi {{first_name}}

My name is [[your name]] and I [[describe your role in terms of why you're reaching out]] at [[hyperlinked company name]], [[describe company briefly if not implied]]. I've been doing some research in this and related fields, and really admire [[something specific about the person or their work]].

Would you have any time in the near future to chat (over the phone or in-person) about the awesome work you're doing at {{company}}? I'd love to [[describe what you're looking to accomplish with the chat]], and would also be glad to share with you some tools and resources I use that you might also find useful.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[[your name]]

Can I put you two in touch?

Hey {{first_name}}!

I hope you're doing well. A friend I studied with at NYU is looking for a new trading role and he's been closely looking into JPM! I recalled you mentioning you worked there so I thought I could introduce him to you.

Here's his LinkedIn profile: [Link to profile, or attach a resume if you have one]

Any chance I can put him in touch with you to learn more / get some advice?

[[your name]]

[Introduction] [[company 1]] <--> [[company 2]]

Hello Kate and Rohan,

Hope this email finds you both well.

Kate, I'd like to put you in touch with Rohan. Rohan is the founder of Resume Worded, a service that helps jobseekers improve their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. I've worked closely with him at Google and his company is doing great.

Rohan, please meet Kate. He's an investor at RW Ventures.

I hope you're able to find time to meet and will let you both take it from here!


Could you make an introduction?

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope this email finds you well. I've been working as a [[position]] at [[company]] for a few years now, and I've just started looking for a new opportunity. I'm extremely interested in [[company]], and I recently learned that you may have a contact there?

If there is any way that you could facilitate that connection, I would be extremely grateful - only if it's OK with you! I've attached my resume in case that's useful. Please feel free to cc me on any emails, and I am happy to follow up.

Thank you!
[[your name]]

Hey {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

I'm bummed we haven't been able to connect, but I wanted to give it one last shot.

Would you be free to hop on a 15 to 20 minute call [[date and time]]? I guarantee that I have a few suggestions that could [[improve KPI]].

In the meantime, here are [[two resources]] I thought you might find value in because you're on the cutting edge of the [[niche/industry]] industry.

Hi {{first_name}}, quick question

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is [[your name]] and I'm a [[position]] at [[your company]]. I'm reaching out because I'm trying to get in touch with the person
who's in charge of [[XYZ]].

Is that you? If not, could you please help connect me to the person I'm looking for? I would really appreciate it :)

Thanks for your time,
[[your name]]

Point me towards the right person

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m trying to figure out who is in charge of [[leading general statement]] at {{company}}?

Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?

Thanks in advance,

[[your name]]

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