Latest email templates

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2 email templates
[[original subject line]] Hey {{first_name}},

I haven't heard back from you in a while. Wondering, did I do something wrong?

Last we spoke, we talked about [[briefly summarize]].

If I skipped a beat or did not answer an important question for you, please let me know.

[[Your name]]
Ideas Hey {{first_name}},

Since content is a major source of customers for you, here are a few meaty topics that would bring in high intent leads and a lot of social engagement.

[[Briefly describe a really good idea related to their business and your services]]

[[Briefly describe another really good idea related to their business and your services]]

A little about me: I create really engaging content that converts (recent examples: 1, 2, 3).

Would you be open to a 15-min brainstorm to bat around some ideas?

[[Your name]]
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