Recruitment email templates

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31 email templates
You were recommended to me

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope this message finds you well!

Our connections at [[company name]] have some great things to say about you and your work and as it turns out. We are a leading design focused headhunting firm in NYC with clients like PayPal, Instagram and others in the best of tech.

We are working with some incredible firms with growing diverse teams and who would love to work with you.

You come highly recommended and we are very impressed with your work at {{company}}. I am getting in touch to see if we can get on a call sometime to have a quick chat about your career goals.

Awaiting your response.


Yoga and design

Hey {{first_name}},

I came across your medium post about how yoga and meditation has helped you in your creative process. I am thoroughly impressed with your commitment to design and your out of the box thought process. Your work at {{company}} is really impressive.

One of our clients is a trailblazing startup in NYC. As they’ve grown to more than 50 people in just two years, they are looking for someone to lead their design efforts. This is a leadership position where you would get to define their design roadmap for many years to come.

I think this would be a great role for you. Would you be interested in having a brief chat about it sometime this week?



P.S. – Hope you had a great trip to India. I would love to hear more about Yoga and your experience around it!

Skiing Pros needed

Hi {{company}},

Just saw your Instagram videos of your last skiing trip. I am quite impressed with your skiing skills! How long have you been skiing? I have taken it up last year and can’t wait to glide over the snow the way you do.

I am looking for brilliant Ruby developers like you for our client. They have a fledgling skiing club that really needs a pro skier like you. Also, the engineering team is looking for a new lead for the front end team.

Would you be interested in a brief call to chat about skiing and the role sometime this week?



Hey {{first_name}}, loved your blog

Hey {{first_name}},

I recently stumbled on your blog about creating engaging sales emails with GIFs and visual elements to get better responses. I have to say – absolutely loved it. I have been using GIFs (cause who doesn’t love them) in my emails and getting incredible results. Your efforts must have led to tremendous results at {{company}}.

I am currently recruiting imaginative and bold sales folks like you for our client. We think you’ve got a way of doing sales that can sway a maybe to a Yes! We are working to build a sales team of people like you – not afraid to experiment and deliver results. Would you be interested in a 15 min chat this week?

Hey {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

I hope this email finds you well. We had reached out a while back regarding opportunities with a well-known technology company. Obviously things continue to go well at [[company name]], but your name resurfaced in regards to a specific opportunity in which I thought might be of interest.

They have a strong track record with candidates that come from a similar background. I thought it made sense to reconnect given the specific nature of the search as we approach bonus season.

If you are interested in a chat to learn more, please let me know when would be a convenient time for you. Thank you again for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.



{{first_name}}, quick question?

Hi {{first_name}},

In just year's time, we helped [[X]] people land their dream roles at companies like [[insert successful placement companies]].

We currently have an excellent Digital Marketing Manager role open at a top B2B firm in [[city]] think your background in [[X]] and experience would make you the perfect fit for the role. Would you be open to a quick discussion about this fantastic opportunity? How does tomorrow at 5:00 PM sound?

Experienced customer story writer available

Hi {{first_name}},

Hope your week is going well. I read about [positive company news, like a write-up in TechCrunch or a new product launch]. Congrats!

I was checking out {{company}} website and noticed you don’t have any [outcome of service you’re offering; this is the identification of the problem].

Do you need help with this? As an experienced [[expert in service you’re offering]], I [[what you do for clients]].

With your [[company news]] and need to build trust and growth, I imagine [[statement of how it could be very easy to fix the problem you’ve identified]]. For example, [[free tidbit of advice]].

As you may know, research has shown that [[stat to answer your prospect’s "so what?" and "why should I care?" questions]].

Recently I helped [[similar company]] achieve [[X result]] with a [[service you’re offering]]. You can check the details out here.

Because of my background as a [job position], I can clearly [[insert your USP or relevant work experience to provide credibility]] to get {{company}} [[your reader’s business goal]].

When are you open for a 15-minute call next week to chat about how we can work together? Looking forward to hearing from you.


[[Your name]]

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