Cold Email Guide

Schedule and send your campaigns

Learn how to schedule outreach campaigns to protect your deliverability and maximize your success rates.

3 resources
Schedule and send your campaigns

Email outreach is easily scalable, but you need to take some precautions as you start sending dozens of emails per day.

First, you should test your emails to address any issues before they damage your deliverability.

Secondly, you need to gradually warm up your email accounts and domains to be able to reach your desired daily sending volume.

And finally, you should have a plan for how many emails you want to send in total and set up an appropriate number of domains and accounts.

Test your cold emails

If you test your email before sending cold email campaigns, you can improve your success rate by addressing any issues before they damage your deliverability.

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Set up your outreach ops for scale

If you want to scale your sending volume, you’ll need to set up a number of email accounts and domains that corresponds to your desired daily sending volume.

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Warm up your email account and domain

You must be careful about how many emails you send daily. The process of going from a handful of emails to dozens of emails per day without sacrificing deliverability is called email warmup.

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