We’ve rolled out a series of updates to enhance your experience with Leads, Campaigns, and Company Lists.
🗓 Leads filters: target the right audience
We’ve improved the date filters for “Last activity at” and “Last contacted at.” Previously limited to “has any value” or “has no value,” you can now filter by specific date ranges. This makes it easier to find leads who haven’t been contacted in a while, perfect for your next campaign.
Summary of improvements:
- Added date range filters for “Last activity at” and “Last contacted at.”
- Available in the Leads section and Campaigns’ Audience tab.
- Target leads based on their last interaction more efficiently.
🏢 Company Lists: enhanced lead management
Two updates are here to make managing your company lists even easier:
1. Saved leads column in Company Lists:
- A new column displays the number of saved leads for each company. Click the number to view the leads for a specific company.
- You can now sort, filter, or hide/show this column based on the number of saved leads.
- Additionally, you can find email addresses for saved companies with no leads by clicking the “Find email addresses” link.

2. Bulk Copy/Move:
It's now possible to copy or move saved companies in bulk between lists in the Company Lists.
When copying companies, a duplicate of the selected companies will be added to the chosen list.
When moving companies, the selected companies will be transferred from their current list to the destination list.
👁 Campaigns audience: eye icon update
We’ve updated the behavior of the eye icon on the Campaigns audience page. Instead of redirecting to the lead edit page, it now takes you to the lead show page, resolving permission issues and ensuring you can easily access to leads saved from other team members.