Bulk Domain Search

Find the right people to contact from a list of companies or domains.

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Get past the gatekeepers.

With Hunter’s Bulk Domain Search, you can find verified email addresses of decision-makers in any department at any company. In bulk, within minutes.

Transparent and ethical data sourcing.

Every email address you’ll find using the Bulk Domain Search was found on a public website.

Data from 78M+ domains.

Browse through the largest database of publicly-sourced email addresses.

Departments filters

Target people in specific departments. Keep your emails hyper-relevant.

Verification and confidence scores.

Leverage Hunter’s email verification algorithm to protect the deliverability of your campaigns.

Hunter has benefited me by significantly reducing the time and effort required to locate relevant contacts. This has allowed me to focus more on crafting personalized outreach messages and building meaningful relationships with potential partners.
Noam Dorokhov Marketing Manager at Squaretalk
Used and loved by 5+ million users.
4.6 on Capterra
4.4 on G2
4.8 on Trustpilot

The most popular email-finding service.

Three million users are finding verified email addresses with Hunter. Run your first Bulk Domain Search task and start connecting with the right people.

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Common questions about the Bulk Domain Search

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The Bulk Domain Search lets you find email addresses from a list of companies or domain names in bulk. All you need to start using it is a list of domains or companies.

It leverages Hunter’s data by surfacing all emails we know about for each domain on the list. To make your life easier, the email addresses are enriched with additional information like full names, types of email addresses (generic vs. personal), and departments (marketing, IT, HR, and so on.)

You can test it by looking up a specific domain with the regular Domain Search.

The Domain Search uses email addresses that were found publicly on the web. Each email address comes with a confidence score that is calculated depending on the quality of the sources, SMTP verifications, and other data points. On rare occasions, the surfaced email addresses may no longer be relevant, particularly for industries with high employee turnover.

No, the Bulk Domain Search requires a premium plan. You can choose the right plan for you, depending on the number of credits you need.

However, you can try out the Bulk Domain Search before upgrading your account. Upload your CSV to see how many email addresses we find, the average data quality, how many credits you'll need, and a preview of the data.

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