
Can you help us achieve our goal of getting 10,000 new people to start composting?

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is Veronica and I'm the founder of Yuzu Magazine, a lifestyle website that focuses on sustainable living.

I've recently come across your article [[URL]] and have a quick question for you.

While reading your article, I noticed that you reference I've recently written an in depth piece on how to compost, which I've illustrated with some useful infographics, including one on exactly what you can and can't compost.

If you feel that your readers would benefit from our guide, I was wondering whether you'd be willing to include a link back to our website? Hopefully we can get as many people to start composting as possible, especially during these challenging times!

Here's the link:

If you are willing to add the link to your site, it would mean the world to us as we try and achieve our goal of helping 10,000 new people start composting.

Let me know what you think, and keep up the great work :-)


Categories SEO Link building Template by
Veronica Fletcher , Yuzu Magazine

About this template

I think the successful open rate was mostly down to the subject line including an emotive, specific goal. This is partly due to the niche I'm in too.
Veronica Fletcher
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