What's new at Hunter? (October 2020)

What's new at Hunter? (October 2020)

Over the last quarter, we’ve launched multiple updates concerning the Email Verifier, the Email Finder, and launched a new product.

Here are all the main changes we’ve introduced and what we plan for the end of 2020.

Updated verification statuses

When we built the Email Verifier, it could initially return only 3 possible results: Valid, Invalid, and Risky.

While working for most, this classification was sometimes lacking clarity. The category “Risky” was covering different realities.

Here are the new verification statuses:

  • Valid: the email address exists, and you can use it safely.
  • Invalid: the email address doesn’t exist and shouldn’t be used.
  • Accept all: the email address works, but the server accepts any email address on the server.
  • Webmail: it’s a personal email address like Gmail or Outlook.
  • Disposable: it’s from a service allowing to create temporary email addresses.
  • Unknown: for all cases of verification failure. For example, if the server blocks Hunter or if the verification times out.

After running the Bulk Email Verifier, the results look like this:

Verification statuses in the Bulk Email Verifier

Improved Email Finder

The Email Finder is a core service of Hunter. We are excited to announce new improvements that are making it significantly more powerful.

Three months ago, we were announcing the Email Finder was verifying the results in real-time, in some cases. These verifications are now systematic.

Now that the Email Finder runs systematics verifications, it can also return the verification status of the result.

In the Bulk Email Finder

In the Bulk Email Finder, the verification statuses are displayed in a chart so you can get an overview of the accuracy. You can choose to only download the email addresses found valid or the full list with the verification statuses included in the file.

Bulk Email finder download popup

In the Email Finder API

In the Email Finder API, we added information about the verification performed.

Email Finder API verification status

It was common for many users to take the email addresses found with the Bulk Domain Search and then validate them with the Bulk Email Verifier.

We wanted to make the workflow easier and added the verifications as an option in the Bulk Domain Search. If you choose to verify the results, and additional step will appear to let you confirm the cost in verifications.

Verifications in the Bulk Domain Search

New verification quotas

Now every plan provides two quotas: one for the searches (the Domain Search and the Email Finder), and one for the verifications.

With this update, we want to make sure people can perform email verifications when they need to, without affecting their use of the other tools.

The amounts for each plan have been updated in a new pricing.

Integrations with Hunter Campaigns

We’re making the campaigns connectable so you can build exactly the workflows you need.

It happens at two levels:

  1. To add new recipients to a campaign;
  2. To trigger an action as soon as an email from a campaign is read or replied.

1. Adding recipients to a campaign

We have added the campaigns to Hunter’s API, which lets you add recipients programmatically. Learn more in the API documentation.

You can also add a recipient to a campaign and make this action interact with more than 2,000 apps thanks to Zapier (in Actions > Create Recipient).

2. Do something as soon as an email is read or replied

One common practice from our users is to move their lead opportunities to their CRM after contacting them with Hunter. But there was no automated way to do it (the integrations work with the leads, but don’t interact with the campaigns).

We’ve created a new tab in the campaigns to display the integration options.

Integrations tab in a campaign

You can either use Zapier to trigger an event, or enter a custom webhook URL that will be called every time an email is read or replied.

More precise statuses in Campaigns

Our customer support team noticed that the sending status of the campaigns was sometimes a source of confusion.

In particular, we are giving more precision if the campaign is active but isn’t currently sending emails. This can happen if the daily quota of emails is reached, or if the campaigns is waiting to send the follow-ups.

In standby status

Hunter TechLookup 2.0

We launched a major update of TechLookup, our tool to list websites by technologies. We added more websites, more technologies and are now including more data in the downloads. It still can be used for free.

We wrote a detailed update here.

Redesigned usage page

We rebuilt the usage page to display more data on the requests recently used, at the user level or team level. You can have an overview of your request consumption up to 90 days in the past, and inspect the detail of each request.

Usage page

More customer support

We are delighted to welcome Samara and Janette in our customer support team! Hunter continues to grow in usage and we make sure our capacity to promptly assist our customers follows.

Janette will more specifically work as an account manager dedicated to Hunter’s biggest customers.

What’s next?

We will start with a list of improvements to do in Campaigns and Leads. For example, we will add the possibility to insert images in the campaigns and help people better organize their lists of leads.

We will also work on a new platform to browse cold email templates written by sales and marketing experts. We will share more about it very soon!

Is there something you think we should really work on? Let us know.

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François Grante
François Grante

Co-founder of Hunter. My goal is to help as many people as possible with our products. In love with design, marketing, and traveling in Asia.