Templates de cold emailing

Trouvez de l'inspiration depuis les meilleurs emails de prospection, triés par catégories.

267 templates d'emails
Affiliate partnership Hi {{first_name}},

{{company}} looks interesting, and we would be interested in potentially reviewing it and advertising it on our websites.

We're a [describe your company and audience, citing traffic numbers and demographics]. Our biggest sites are [Site 1] and [Site 2].

If you could send us a sample, then we would be happy to write a review. Here's an example of a review we already did: [link to review article].

This would allow us to get started with promoting your products on our sites.

Let me know what you think!


[Your name]

I'll write a guest post for you Hello {{first_name}},

I’m [[your name]] from [[your company]]. I'd love to write a guest post for your blog. I write about [[your expertise]].

I know that editorial teams are overloaded now, but I guarantee it won't take much time to review and approve my guest post.

You can check my expertise in my recent published posts: [[quick list of recent posts where you're marked as the author]]

Let me know if you accept guest post contributions and need an extra pair of hands to write a blog post!

[[your name]]
Hey {{first_name}}, enjoyed your SEO & Outreach for SaaS Business, and was wondering...

Hey {{first_name}},

Hope you’re doing well! I’m Ivan an SEO and outreach specialist at Storyblocks. Before anything else, I just wanted to quickly say thank you! For making hunter such a great tool. It has saved me countless hours doing outreach.

I’m reaching out today because I was just recently reading your blog and the use cases for link building. I really enjoyed your article on SEO & Outreach for SaaS businesses. Recently I’ve been using Hunter for outreaching and updating our 301 redirects.

I was wondering if I can share my insights with your readers and give Hunter another use case.

Let me know what you think, and looking forward to hearing from you.



Join our referral program

Hey {{first_name}},

[[name]] here from [[company]], a high-rated [[competitor]] alternative.

I saw one of your posts promoting [[X]] and thought you'd be a great fit for our referral program, to help us spread the word about [[company]].

We’re already working with the likes of [[example 1]] and [[example 2]] who generate more than 4-figures in revenue through us.

By signing up and promoting [[company]] through our program you get:

- 30% recurring and scalable commissions

- Bonus rewards! (Currently, you have the chance to earn an extra $150 as a fast-start bonus)

- Ready-made resources to promote us effectively (banners, newsletter templates, guides, and more)

- SEO assistance from our content team

- A dedicated Account Manager (that’s me!)

- Ready to start earning? Here’s the link to join us: [[link]]

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I am also reachable via Linkedin! :)



Should I speak to [[referral name]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

Would you be the right person to connect with regarding lighting & energy management at {{company}}?

This is [[name]], [[position]] at [[company]], a local Nashville company. We consult on energy efficiency and clean energy projects, working to help our clients reduce their utility bills by 10-50%. We like to call it “Total Energy or TotalE.” Do you have a “Total E” strategy?

Have you converted to LED lights? What percentage of your utility and maintenance budget is HVAC? Imagine if you could cut that expense by 30-50%. We’ve helped our clients do such things.

I’d like to set up a quick phone call or meeting to discuss your firm’s “Total E” goals. Thanks for connecting me to the right person.



New clients for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m just wondering - how does {{company}} chase new clients?

Belkins takes care of all top-of-the-funnel sales tasks: prospect identifying, target research & list building, database enrichment, initial outreach, and appointment scheduling.

The resources below cover our general overview, 3rd party review sites, and our use-cases. These should help with your evaluation.

Case studies -> https://belkins.io/case-studies

Clients Testimonials on Clutch -> https://clutch.co/profile/belkins

Folderly case studies -> https://folderly.com/case-studies

I’ll be happy to arrange a zoom meeting to share best practices. Perhaps next Tuesday will work?


[[your name]]

Regarding One of Your Articles

Hi {{first_name}},

Recently one of my friends who owns a startup told me that, ''He started his own business with nothing and still has most of it'' Puns aside, I am Vignesh Wadarajan I own a blog where I write stuff about blogging and marketing.

While I was skimming through this article of yours [[article URL]], I found out that you've linked to a well-qualified piece:- [[article URL]]:- 'starting a blog'

The resource is truly great, it clearly simplifies blogging and helps how one can go about it. But despite such extensive info, I felt that the content didn't talked a lot about:-

1) How to choose a less competitive (yet profitable) niche

2) How to do keyword research in the right way

3) How to do link building

Which I see as definitive pillars to start any blog and I mentioned all those points in my definitive guide on 'How To Start a Blog' [[artilce URL]].

You can check my piece thoroughly in your free time and if it's good, please go ahead & share my link. (Not to say that I would be damn thrilled)

Note: By no means, I meant to say that the current resource from your article is not qualified enough, but what I actually meant was that my article adds additional perspectives and it might cater well to your content.

Thank You

[[coompany]] & {{company}}

Hey {{first_name}},

How are you?

As the owner of [[company]], we are a big fan of {{company}}. We use it as a daily tool to reach out to new clients.

During my usage, I couldn’t find a specific video that could tell me how to use {{company}} and what all the possibilities are. Luckily, I found out myself. 😉

The reason for my mail is that my company [[company]] is specialized in making high end video content in the B2B sector. I was wondering if you’re open for a first acquaintance to see if we could collaborate and develop cool video content for {{company}} (animation videos for example)?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

{{company}} + [[company]] = Partnership

Hey {{first_name}},

[[name]] here from [[company]]. I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time-consuming.

This email won't be however :)

I am writing regarding a possible collaboration between {{company}} & [[company]].

I am looking for a mention of our post in one of your articles and I am happy to offer a backlink to your website in return.

We can return the favor a few ways, just let me know if you are interested :)

Waiting for your response.



2 Questions {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

Looking at how {{company}} works and the pricing breakdowns, and I was wondering if you're using automation to recover failed payments and do you think it correlates to any involuntary churn?

If so, could I share with you how our full human approach can add 20% or more back?

[[your name]] with [[company]]

Coffee with me and [[connection]]?

Hey {{first_name}},

I am [[your_name]], a recruiter at {{company}}. We are hiring for the [[job]]. I have been going through my network and found out you to be the best candidate.

I also found out that [[connection]] is a close friend of yours - he suggested that you as a candidate would be a great fit.

Would you be interested to grab a coffee and take it further? I will make sure [[connection]] comes along as well.



Quick content update

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you’re doing great!

I noticed that you were linking to [[name of website]] in one of your articles and noticed that the content it was linking back to no longer existed. Would you be open to replacing that link?

I have an up-to-date article up on my website that you could link back to for [[anchor text]].

I’d appreciate it if you could link back to my content instead. Please let me know if you need further details.



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Hunter Campaigns

Envoyez de meilleurs emails de prospection.
Obtenez des réponses.

Composez des campagnes et programmez des relances, le tout depuis votre compte Gmail ou Outlook. C'est gratuit.
Créer un compte gratuit En savoir plus

Comment écrire
un email de prospection ?

  • Écrire une phrase d'accroche percutante. Pour inciter votre prospect à lire votre email de prospection, dans votre phrase d'accroche, mentionnez une connexton mutuelle, posez une question pertinente, utilisez un événement ou démarrez avec le problème rencontré par le prospect.
  • Personnalisez votre message. Il est normal de passer du temps sur des prospects qualifiés et ajoutez une touche personnelle à chaque email que vous envoyez. Vous pouvez avoir un seul modèle pour la prospection, mais ajoutez des informations spécifiques à chacun de vos prospects pour rendre votre message plus pertinent et fournir la valeur maximale.
  • Faîtes-le court et simple. Il y a 3 éléments clés que votre email de prospection devrait contenir : qui vous êtes ou une introduction courte, ce que vous offrez, l'action que vous désirez que votre prospect effectue. Essayez d'éliminer les salutations inutiles et les phrases trop verbeuses.
  • Fournissez de la valeur. Lorsque vous écrivez votre email de prospection, parlez des bénéfices que vos prospects en tireront, pas des fonctionnalités que vous vendez.
  • Incluez un appel à l'action Le CTA devrait avoir une correspondance parfaite avec l'objectif de votre email de prospection. Essayez de vous focaliser sur une chose simple que vous souhaitez réaliser avec votre prospection.
Pour en savoir plus : How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

Comment écrire un
email de relance ?

Lorsque vous écrivez un email de relance, vous pouvez suivre les principaux principes que vous avons partagé plus haut. Toutefois, n'oubliez pas ces principes également :

Éviter de paraître passif-agressif. Une agression directe est relativement facile à détecter, mais des phrases passives-agressives plus subtiles peuvent apparaître dans vos relances sans faire exprès. Ce genre de micro-agressions peuvent exaspérer vos prospects et faire rapidement disparaître la bonne volonté et toute la confiance mutuelle que vous avez établi. De ce fait, évitez ce genre de phrases passives-agressives dans vos emails de relance :

  • Je vous relance car vous ne m'avez pas encore répondu
  • J'ai déjà tenté de vous contacter à plusieurs reprises
  • Je sais que vous êtes occupé, mais je le suis moi aussi
  • Juste pour faire le point

Supprimez le désespoir. Oui, vous pourriez être en colère car votre prospect n'a pas répondu à vos précédentes relances, mais ne lui montrez pas votre détresse. Ces phrases sont un bon signal que vous semblez un peu désespéré, donc essayez de les éviter également :

  • Si ça ne cause pas trop de soucis
  • Je m'excuse par avance de vous importuner

Écrivez un objet parfait pour votre relance. Essayez de ne pas trop montrer qu'il s'agit d'une relance ou d'une "volonté de faire le point" dans l'objet de vos emails de relance. Soyez plus créatifs et écrivez un objet percutant qui donne envie à vos destinataires d'ouvrir votre email.

Pour en savoir plus : How to Write a Follow-Up Email After no Response (With Examples)

Comment écrire
un bon objet ?

  • Personnalisez-le. Au-delà de la personnalisation des objets de vos emails de prospection à un niveau basique (en incluant le prénom et le nom de l'entreprise), vous pouvez collecter encore plus d'information à propos de vos prospects avant de les contacter et l'utiliser pour l'améliorer vos taux d'ouverture. Par exemple, cela pourrait être leur poste, industrie, mention d'un contenu qu'ils ont écrits, votre lieu de rencontre, etc.
  • Gardez les objets simples. Il est plus facile d'attirer l'attention d'un prospect avec quelque chose de court, gentil et direct. En plus de cela, il est important de garder les objets le plus court possible car ils seront tronqués s'ils sont trop longs, en particulier sur les mobiles.
  • Posez des questions. Si vous posez une question pertinent pour vos prospects, ils seront plus à même d'ouvrir votre email et commencer à chercher une réponse. Essayez d'utiliser des questions ouvertes qui générent de la curiosité.
  • Utilisez des mots forts. Les Power words sont des mots de persuasion qui évoquent le plus souvent une réponse émotionnelle et amènent au résultat attendu. Ils engagent l'imagination du lecteur et le pousse à ouvrir l'email. Voici quelques exemples de mots puissant que vous pouvez utiliser dans vos objets : stupéfiant, clé, privé, meilleur, officiel, expert, simple, facile, prêt, etc.
  • N'utilisez pas de clickbait. Il n'est pas pertinent de créer des objets "lourds" pour vos campagnes de cold emailing. Au final, ce qui compte est le taux de conversion, pas le taux d'ouverture de vos emails.
Pour en savoir plus : How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line
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