Templates d'emails "Sales"

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102 templates d'emails
Ideas Hey {{first_name}},

Since content is a major source of customers for you, here are a few meaty topics that would bring in high intent leads and a lot of social engagement.

[[Briefly describe a really good idea related to their business and your services]]

[[Briefly describe another really good idea related to their business and your services]]

A little about me: I create really engaging content that converts (recent examples: 1, 2, 3).

Would you be open to a 15-min brainstorm to bat around some ideas?

[[Your name]]
Should I speak to [[referral name]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

Would you be the right person to connect with regarding lighting & energy management at {{company}}?

This is [[name]], [[position]] at [[company]], a local Nashville company. We consult on energy efficiency and clean energy projects, working to help our clients reduce their utility bills by 10-50%. We like to call it “Total Energy or TotalE.” Do you have a “Total E” strategy?

Have you converted to LED lights? What percentage of your utility and maintenance budget is HVAC? Imagine if you could cut that expense by 30-50%. We’ve helped our clients do such things.

I’d like to set up a quick phone call or meeting to discuss your firm’s “Total E” goals. Thanks for connecting me to the right person.



New clients for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m just wondering - how does {{company}} chase new clients?

Belkins takes care of all top-of-the-funnel sales tasks: prospect identifying, target research & list building, database enrichment, initial outreach, and appointment scheduling.

The resources below cover our general overview, 3rd party review sites, and our use-cases. These should help with your evaluation.

Case studies -> https://belkins.io/case-studies

Clients Testimonials on Clutch -> https://clutch.co/profile/belkins

Folderly case studies -> https://folderly.com/case-studies

I’ll be happy to arrange a zoom meeting to share best practices. Perhaps next Tuesday will work?


[[your name]]

[[coompany]] & {{company}}

Hey {{first_name}},

How are you?

As the owner of [[company]], we are a big fan of {{company}}. We use it as a daily tool to reach out to new clients.

During my usage, I couldn’t find a specific video that could tell me how to use {{company}} and what all the possibilities are. Luckily, I found out myself. 😉

The reason for my mail is that my company [[company]] is specialized in making high end video content in the B2B sector. I was wondering if you’re open for a first acquaintance to see if we could collaborate and develop cool video content for {{company}} (animation videos for example)?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

2 Questions {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

Looking at how {{company}} works and the pricing breakdowns, and I was wondering if you're using automation to recover failed payments and do you think it correlates to any involuntary churn?

If so, could I share with you how our full human approach can add 20% or more back?

[[your name]] with [[company]]

{{first_name}} check out your new cancellation flow

Hey {{first_name}}, I wanted to give you a quick shout to introduce you to ProsperStack, a drop-in cancellation flow for your service that reduces churn by up to 30%.

I made a 40 second video to show you how your cancellation flow could look and how it saves customers.

[[view video]]

I'd love to get 15 minutes with you to learn more about your current cancellation process and see how we can help.

[[meetin link]]

Advice for your ebook

Hey {{first_name}},

Your blog article about [[topic]] was excellent. Your ebook on the topic was even better. The part about [[section]] was amazing because [[reason]].

But, I had to click around your website quite a bit to find the ebook. Have you ever thought about putting a call to action on the blog post that encourages visitors to download your whitepaper on the same subject?

Here's an article on how and why to do this: [[link]]

Let me know what you think,

[[your name]]

Congrats on new role

Hey {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your new role as VP Marketing. Based on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you've done an amazing job developing your career at {{company}}.

If there are ways I can help you get your message out to my network of [[title of people they're trying to reach]], please let me know. I'm a fan and I want to help.

Do you have a PR or content person on your team?


[[your name]]

Love your story + this [[article]]

Hi {{first_name}},

During some research of {{company}} , I came across your profile - love how passionate you've been the past [[number of years they've been working at the company, look it up on their LinkedIn profile]] years to help scale the [[department]] team, while also being that go-to advisor for your growing customers.

This [[software review site name]] review about [[highlight of the review relevant to your product]]. However, I imagine you still have customers requesting [[address pain point your solution solves]]. I'm curious - are any customer accounts at risk that would benefit from [[what you offer]]?

[[Recognizable brand name]], new [[your company name]] customer, needed a way to [[what you offer]]. Since leveraging [[your company name]], their [[major benefit]]. As a result, their customers experienced [[business impact]].

Does it make sense to explore ways we can help your team as well?

[[your name]]

Hunter's Trademark Protection - Adspend

Dear {{first_name}},

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you know eliminating competitors using the {{company}} trademark in their ads is more important than just for brand protection?

Why takedown ads which infringe on your trademark?

- Decreased CPCs for Hunter;
- Better click-through-rates;
- Protect your brand image;
- Increased CPCs for competitors.

BrandVerity automates monitoring of ads, identification of infringing ads, and makes submission directly to the search engines for takedown super easy. 15 minutes a week to do all that? Absolutely.

If you're interested in discussing further, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me here!

[[your name]]

Catch up at SaaStr

Hi {{first_name}},

Saw at SaaStr previously and thought you might be there in a week.

At Folderly, we can help Hunter with email deliverability and make sure that your email reaches your customer's inbox.

I will be there with @Brian Hicks, we would love to grab some coffee and explore potential synergies between our companies?

[[your name]]

Sales team goals

Hello {{first_name}},

Did you know that an average sales person [[add a statistic about their pain point]]? Is your sales team achieving the goals?

[[Add your company’s value proposition]]

If you’re looking to accelerate your sales like our clients [[mention high-end client’s name]] did, let’s connect for a quick 15-minute call later this week.


[[your name]]

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How to write a cold sales email template?

  • Write subject lines like a real person. Provide a quick overview of your email content, keep it short and simple. You can even ask a relevant question or mention a mutual connection in your subject line.
  • Create a perfect opening line. Make your prospect interested in reading your sales email from the very first line. Explain the context of your email shortly, build the trust, or refer to someone or something they already know.
  • Keep your email short and easy. A good sales email provides additional context on who you are, clarifies the problem you’re solving, and highlights the benefit to the prospect.
  • Include a powerful CTA. Create a single and powerful call-to-action that will be clear to your prospects.
  • Don’t forget about your signature. Besides a typical signature where you mention your name, company, and website, you can add a link to your latest case study, video, or webinar recording.

Read more: How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

How to write sales email subject lines?

  • Make your subject line personal. Mention the prospect’s name, company, or offer relevant to them. Write subject line like a real person (even if you automate your outreach), double-check if you don’t have brackets showing form field labels, extra spacing, or the wrong name in a subject line since it all show an apparent lack of care.
  • Ask questions in your subject line. Having a relevant to your prospect question can dramatically improve your open rates; you just need to intrigue prospects with the content behind your subject line.
  • Keep subject lines short. Best subject lines have something in common - they are short and straight to the point. It’s much easier to catch prospects’ attention this way. Besides that, it’s important to keep subject lines short because they will get cut off if they are too long, especially on mobile devices.

Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line

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