Templates d'emails "Sales"

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102 templates d'emails
[[your company}} + [[value you deliver]]

Hi {{first_name}},

Do you pay attention to your personal email inbox enough to see the promotions, job alerts, and coupons you've subscribed too?

Probably not as closely to the text notifications you receive with similar offers. That's because, factually speaking, text messaging is the #1 fastest form of communication.

I noticed that {{company}} isn't doing SMS today to complement its email marketing and wanted to discuss with you how [[Bandwidth]] can help get you started.

We've worked with similar companies who didn't want all their eggs in one basket. Email is a great channel, but combined with SMS is even stronger.

Let me know when a good time to schedule a discussion would be.

Best regards,
[[your name]]

Fan of Beyonce?

Hey {{first_name}},

Based upon your Twitter you're a fan of Beyonce - inspiring me to reach out to you here.

What would Beyonce be without her team? Well...everything...she's Beyonce. However, her team does a lot for her.

Yesware is the Beyonce of sales tools! Our platform provides real-time transparency into a reps' most engaged prospects, and gives detailed reporting so managers can be more strategic with their coaching. Features like email tracking, click-to-call, and mail merge make your reps more effective in their outreach - making them ready to boost their fame and go on tour (much like Beyonce and her team).

{{first_name}} - might you be willing to connect for just a few minutes to talk about how we can get your team onto Queen B's level?


Help to rank on Google

Hi {{first_name}},

I just found you through your [[site/social media profile]].

I see that you’re climbing the ranks on Google, and deservedly so :). I’m an [[expert/job role]] at [[your company]] and realized you could reach page 1 faster by implementing these 2 tips:

[[Tip 1]]

[[Tip 2]]

There’s a third tip, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. If the first two help, do you want me to send you the third?

If not, I understand. No hard feelings :)

{{first_name}}, these clients are looking for your help

Hi {{first_name}},

Last week there were [[x]] prospects in your area who were looking for your [[product or service]].

They were searching for you on [[social network]].

Here’s how you can help them find you (free of charge).

I’m offering this free social media [[checklist]] to you. It gives you the tools you need to convert [[x]]% more customers month-over-month (no opt-in required). [[Client]], a client of ours, boosted [[metric (engagement/followers/shares)]] by [[x]]%.

Are you interested?

[[your signature]]

Free Trial of Bookkeeping Software

Hi {{first_name}},

I noticed your question on [[social media platform]] about the best bookkeeping software and thought I would reach out. Investing in the right bookkeeping software is important for startups like yours and requires [[list out something like requirement criteria]].

Better Bookkeeping Software offers a free trial that gives insight into your current payment operations. Please let me know if you would like to give it a try!

Best regards,
[[your name]]

What is the [[current process]] at {{company}}?

Hi {{first_name}},

I am reaching out to you because I found that you are solely responsible for {{position}} at {{company}}, I was certain you would know more about the current process in place at your company for [[department name]].

As we’ve helped [[name of the existing customer]], I felt you might be interested in improving [[pain point]].

I did good research on your company and I’m sharing a few of my thoughts here which could help you [[solution of the pain point]].

I’d prefer to share a few more ideas with you and spend more time in understanding your current process.

{{first_name}}, could we spend 15 mins on [[date]] at [[time]] to chat about this?

I look forward to hearing from you.

[[your name]]

Hi {{first_name}} - just missed you

Hi {{first_name}},

Saw that you were [[whatever triggered you to call them--available at X time, browsing your site, etc.]] and wanted to say "hello!"

The last thing I want is to waste your time. But I would love to chat for a few minutes and see how [[your company]] may be able to actually help {{company}} achieve [[relevant KPI]].

Are you available at [[time]] on (day) for a 15 to 20 minute phone call?

If not, please feel free to check out my calendar and schedule yourself for whenever works best for you: [[calendar link]]

Hope to hear from you.

Thank you,
[[your name]]

Additional resources

Hi {{first_name}},

You recently visited [[your website]] and [[took this action]].

If you’re interested in [[content topic/product page visited]] then I can recommend the following additional resources:

[[additional resource 1]]

[[additional resource 2]]

Our company also offers [[product/service] ]which could help you [[achieve this specific result]].

Are you free for a call at [[date and time]] to talk about this?

Hi {{first_name}}, how did [[event]] went for you?

Hi {{first_name}},

I really hope you liked [[the hotel conference]] as much as I did. How did you like the [[speech Tom gave]]? I loved that presentation myself!

I managed to stop for a few minutes at your booth and, honestly, I think you at {{company}} are going to grow big in your field, as the [[industry]] needs guys like you around.

I’m [[name]] and I’m working as a [[salesperson]] which means my job is to make people from [[businesses in the field]] happy and help them grow and get [[the best email marketing]] by [[our email services]].

How about we set up a quick call and talk about how you guys at {{company}} handle these issues now?

Here's a quick question for you {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

When was the last time you could actually track the outputs of all your product sampling activities?

If you like most {{position}}s in the consumer goods industry, you are probably dealing with excess product sampling waste and not reaching the right audience for the right product.

We’ve crafted a simple solution to help solve this problem directly. You can now launch targeted, digital sampling campaigns ideally for your target audience to increase your customer experience. We also provide you with insightful and actionable analytics for you to optimize your strategy.

I’d like to set up a personalized demo for you this [[time]]. Alternatively, please let me know when are you available. I’d greatly appreciate that.

Kind regards,
[[your name]]

Quick win for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

Want to see how you can instantly [[benefit of your product]?]

I know you’re busy working to [[end result that your product/service helps with]], so I’ll make this quick.

I’m the lead [[role at your company]], and I’ve got a few suggestions to help you immediately generate some quick wins with [[area your lead is working on]]. Here they are:

[[Tip 1]]

[[Tip 2]]

You might not have the time to this though, and that’s wehere [[your company]] can help. Would you like a quick 15-minute session during the next week so I can walk you through the tips and discuss this further?

Marketing priorities

Hi {{first_name}},

As we look to 2017 our marketing department has a lot to think about and prioritize. Where to spend their budget? How many events to attend? How can they maximize our existing lead database?

Since so many of the companies we work with are asking themselves the same questions I thought you would appreciate a couple of articles on building on those strategies:

- How Our Team Got Started With Lead Nurturing
- How to Staff a Small Marketing Team to Achieve Stellar Growth
- Achieving Great Marketing Goals

How are you planning to use social media to help you hit your marketing goals this year, {{first_name}}?

Let me know if you're interested in chatting. It'll only take 15 minutes.


Hunter Campaigns

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Composez des campagnes et programmez des relances, le tout depuis votre compte Gmail ou Outlook. C'est gratuit.
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How to write a cold sales email template?

  • Write subject lines like a real person. Provide a quick overview of your email content, keep it short and simple. You can even ask a relevant question or mention a mutual connection in your subject line.
  • Create a perfect opening line. Make your prospect interested in reading your sales email from the very first line. Explain the context of your email shortly, build the trust, or refer to someone or something they already know.
  • Keep your email short and easy. A good sales email provides additional context on who you are, clarifies the problem you’re solving, and highlights the benefit to the prospect.
  • Include a powerful CTA. Create a single and powerful call-to-action that will be clear to your prospects.
  • Don’t forget about your signature. Besides a typical signature where you mention your name, company, and website, you can add a link to your latest case study, video, or webinar recording.

Read more: How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

How to write sales email subject lines?

  • Make your subject line personal. Mention the prospect’s name, company, or offer relevant to them. Write subject line like a real person (even if you automate your outreach), double-check if you don’t have brackets showing form field labels, extra spacing, or the wrong name in a subject line since it all show an apparent lack of care.
  • Ask questions in your subject line. Having a relevant to your prospect question can dramatically improve your open rates; you just need to intrigue prospects with the content behind your subject line.
  • Keep subject lines short. Best subject lines have something in common - they are short and straight to the point. It’s much easier to catch prospects’ attention this way. Besides that, it’s important to keep subject lines short because they will get cut off if they are too long, especially on mobile devices.

Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line

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