Templates d'emails "Local marketing services"

Parcourez les meilleurs templates d'email.

15 templates d'emails
{{first_name}}, your [[restaurant]] will recover from COVID-19 if…

Hi {{first_name}},

Your restaurant will recover from COVID-19, if you get the help and support you need.

Do you have it?

Hi, my name is [[your name]], I’m a [[partner]] at [[XYZ Agency]]. When the Avian bird flu pandemic hit in 2005, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that spending on food services, arts, and accommodations would temporarily decline by about 80% during a major pandemic.

COVID-19 hit all of us hard.

You’re probably hurting financially. If so, I’ve got some good news. Your [[restaurant]] will recover with the right tools and resources. I will be able to help once we receive the all-clear.

I can deliver [[x%]] more customers to your business in the next 14 days. I can provide you with the foot traffic and customers you need to help your business recover, pay only for results.


[[your signature]]

{{first_name}}, these website errors are preventing you from showing up in Google…

Hi {{first_name}},

I thought you’d like to know that customers are struggling to find your website due to several website errors. I did a quick scan of your website, and it’s available for you if you’re interested (no opt-in required).

My name is [[your name]], I’m the [[title]] of [[agency]].

I made this short [[1-page report]] exclusively for your business. If you follow the instructions in the report, you can boost website traffic by an estimated [[X% in less than 30 days] ]

Here’s that [[report]] again (it’s free).

[[your signature]]

{{first_name}}, these clients are looking for your help

Hi {{first_name}},

Last week there were [[x]] prospects in your area who were looking for your [[product or service]].

They were searching for you on [[social network]].

Here’s how you can help them find you (free of charge).

I’m offering this free social media [[checklist]] to you. It gives you the tools you need to convert [[x]]% more customers month-over-month (no opt-in required). [[Client]], a client of ours, boosted [[metric (engagement/followers/shares)]] by [[x]]%.

Are you interested?

[[your signature]]

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How to write a cold sales email template?

  • Write subject lines like a real person. Provide a quick overview of your email content, keep it short and simple. You can even ask a relevant question or mention a mutual connection in your subject line.
  • Create a perfect opening line. Make your prospect interested in reading your sales email from the very first line. Explain the context of your email shortly, build the trust, or refer to someone or something they already know.
  • Keep your email short and easy. A good sales email provides additional context on who you are, clarifies the problem you’re solving, and highlights the benefit to the prospect.
  • Include a powerful CTA. Create a single and powerful call-to-action that will be clear to your prospects.
  • Don’t forget about your signature. Besides a typical signature where you mention your name, company, and website, you can add a link to your latest case study, video, or webinar recording.

Read more: How to Write a Cold Email That Converts (Without Being Pushy)

How to write sales email subject lines?

  • Make your subject line personal. Mention the prospect’s name, company, or offer relevant to them. Write subject line like a real person (even if you automate your outreach), double-check if you don’t have brackets showing form field labels, extra spacing, or the wrong name in a subject line since it all show an apparent lack of care.
  • Ask questions in your subject line. Having a relevant to your prospect question can dramatically improve your open rates; you just need to intrigue prospects with the content behind your subject line.
  • Keep subject lines short. Best subject lines have something in common - they are short and straight to the point. It’s much easier to catch prospects’ attention this way. Besides that, it’s important to keep subject lines short because they will get cut off if they are too long, especially on mobile devices.

Read more: How to Craft Perfect Cold Email Subject Line

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