
List of websites using Magento

Create and download your list from 5 986 websites using Magento.

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Top websites using Magento

Domain name Category Language
1 Technology, Information and Internet EN -
2 Advertising Services PT 3 email addresses
3 Financial Services NL 1 email address
4 - ZH -
5 Software Development EN 101 email addresses
6 Strategic Management Services EN 24 email addresses
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Websites categories

Category Count
Retail 896 25 %
Technology 385 11 %
Manufacturing 375 11 %
Industry 249 7 %
Hobby & Leisure 237 7 %
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Websites languages

Category Count
English 2 434 49 %
German 845 17 %
Dutch 568 11 %
French 437 9 %
Italian 356 7 %
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