Objet :

Resource on [[topic]]

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m [[your name]] from [[your company]] and I wanted to share an article about [[topic of content]]. Reading this article can help you to learn [[specific knowldge]. I thought you might be interested because [[reason specific to prospect]].

Here’s the link: [[url]]

I hope you find this helpful. And if you’re looking to [[imporve pain point]], I’d be happy to jump on a quick call to see if we can be of service.


[[your name]]

Catégories Sales Prospecting Modèle par
James Meincke , CloserIQ

À propos de ce modèle

Before asking someone to help you, it’s a good idea to provide them with something in return. In order to warm up a cold prospect, provide them with a useful resource to demonstrate your value.
James Meincke
Hunter Campaigns

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