Objet :

Email marketing at {{company}}

Hey {{first_name}},

Dean from Sumo here. Hope you don’t mind me reaching out :)

We help businesses like [[Client 1]] and [[Client 2]] to grow their email lists and traffic.

I’m curious who might be best to speak with about email marketing at your company?


[[Your Name]]

Catégories Sales Prospecting Modèle par
Dean Yeong , Sumo

À propos de ce modèle

This cold email template will ensure you don’t make this fatal cold email mistake and that you’re contacting the right person at the company you’re reaching out to. A couple of key points:

- Make sure the person you’re reaching out to is at least in the right department you want to be speaking to. You don’t want to send an email about marketing to a lead developer, for example.

- Have your follow-up prepared; once you get a reply to this email, you don’t want to keep your new lead waiting for a reply.
Dean Yeong
Hunter Campaigns

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