Objet :

Error on {{company}} website

Hey {{first_name}},

Your [[choose whatever service or product you want]] is amazing! I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your [[product or services]].

When I was looking at your site, though, I noticed an error. It’s a relatively simple fix.

Would you like me to write it up so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call.


[[Your name and title]]

Catégories Sales Prospecting Modèle par Partager

À propos de ce modèle

This is a delicate balancing act, but one that you can pull off by making the offer of the ‘simple fix’ easy and uncomplicated. And by fixing the minor error, you can open the door toward a more significant interaction in subsequent emails.
Jon Clark
Hunter Campaigns

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