Objet :

Interested in a content collaboration with [[your company]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

[[your name]] here :) from [[company]].

I bumped into [[this article]] on LinkedIn and thought I'd reach out to, see if you'd be interested in a content partnership with [[your company]].

More specifically, I'd love to write an article for your blog on a [[topic]] [[(quick topic explanation)]]. If you're open, I'd be happy to send over a couple of fleshed-out ideas.

In return, I'd be happy to help you with your goals in any way I can.

Our blogging team isn't taking any guest posts submissions for this year, but [[your offer]].

Would this be something you'd be interested in?

[[your name]]

Catégories SEO Guest post Modèle par
Irina Nica , HubSpot
Hunter Campaigns

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