Objet :

I wrote an article for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}}!

My name is [[your name]] and I'm a big fan of {{company}}.

I’m an avid marketer and writer looking to get published on the web. Because of how many companies are affected by the enduring nature of COVID-19, I decided to write this article for {{company}} about how to adjust a PPC strategy accordingly. A lot of your readers are probably looking for new ways to adapt to these hard times, and I think this will be a helpful and interesting resource for them.

I know you probably get a ton of guest post applications, but I wanted to take a shot at contributing to your awesome website.

The article is complete and I've included a copy below. Would this be something you'd be interested in?

Here it is: [[link]]

[[your name]]

Catégories SEO Guest post Modèle par
Ryan Cook , Epic Marketing

À propos de ce modèle

I think the success of this email largely has to do with the quality of the article I was pitching. It was very timely and relevant to business blogs, and the exact kind of content they were looking to give to their audiences. I feel like having a lot of {{company}} attributes mixed throughout but also naturally fitted in also gave it a highly personalized quality.
Ryan Cook
Hunter Campaigns

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