
List of websites using Nginx

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Top websites using Nginx

Domain name Category Language
1 Technology, Information and Internet EN 89 email addresses
2 - EN 11 email addresses
3 IT Services and IT Consulting EN 75 email addresses
4 - EN 23 email addresses
5 Computer and Network Security EN 312 email addresses
6 Technology, Information and Internet FR 422 email addresses
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Websites categories

Category Count
Technology 157 743 14 %
Art & Entertainment 131 945 12 %
Industry 98 066 9 %
Education & Career 85 688 7 %
Internet & Telecom 78 088 7 %
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Websites languages

Category Count
English 942 859 62 %
German 202 082 13 %
Dutch 89 765 6 %
French 85 464 6 %
Spanish 63 121 4 %
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