Objet :

Contributing to {{company}} ([[Connection]] referral)

Hey {{first_name}},

I’ve been loving the [[relevant (true) complement based on the work in your discipline]] coming out of the {{company}} for the past few months, especially the recent [[relevant post, design, rebrand, feature, update and a quick note showing you actually looked at it]]

One of my acquaintances, [[name of connection]] is a contributor to the [[Company Name]] and she recommended I reach out to you to see if it’d be a good fit for me to contribute as well. Right now, I typically [[one liner about the services you offer and niche that it’s in, showing your clearly a good potential hire for them]]

[[If possible, add an extra sentence highlighting relevant past work or offering up more industry credibility boosters.]]

Let me know if this sounds interesting and I’d be happy to put together a few ideas on a [[deliverable]] we can test out!

[[Your Name]]

Catégories Marketing Partnership Modèle par
Ryan Robinson , Ryrob.com
Hunter Campaigns

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