Objet :

Your opinion

Hey {{first_name}},

I'm a big fan of your work, especially [[specific reference]], it has changed the way I produce my own content.

My name is [[insert name]] and I'm a [[position]] at [[company name]].

I've recently produced a piece entitled [[content title]] and have used your [[specific citation]] as an example.

I have the article linked [[here]] for you and would love your opinion on it. If you find it useful for your audience I'd appreciate a share and a quick comment from you.

Thank you for your time!

Take care,

Catégories Marketing Influencer collaboration Modèle par
Kevin Ho , Wishpond

À propos de ce modèle

Featuring influencers is a simple and powerful way to get more readers to see your fresh piece of content. If you've mentioned an influencer in your content let them know that you've given them a spotlight with this email template.
Kevin Ho
Hunter Campaigns

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