Objet :

[[job position]] for {{company}}

Hey {{first_name}},

I found your post up for a [[role title]] up on [[website]] the other day, and I wanted to share with you the [[strategy/deliverable/etc]] I already took the time to develop for [[company]].

It’s built around what I know works, through my experience in building [[previous company's]] [[XYZ project or product]] with [[JS, Ruby, HTML, etc]]]. Check out [[link to the project example]] I created, that’s done [[X,Y,Z]] for [[previous company]] and has had [[Results, # Downloads, # Signups, etc]].

I have a very solid foundation for working in/with [[relevant languages/tools]]. I’m looking forward to helping {{company}} deliver even more unique value to the industry.

Let me know when you have a moment to chat this week.


[[your name]]

Catégories Recruitment To recruiter Modèle par
Ryan Robinson , Ryrob.com
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