Objet :

Candidate for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

Are you looking for a [[job name]] candidate at {{company}}?

I am currently talking to an exceptional candidate who has indicated that {{company}} as a target he wants to work for. In his current role as an account executive, he has:

- Consistently hit 125% of quota for three consecutive years
- Was the highest performing AE in the North eastern region.
- Won President’s award for 2 our of the three years
- Hired and mentored a stellar team of 5 Sales Reps
- If you are still looking for a fantastic software sales leader to join {{company}}, I would love to talk. We work with leading B2B software firms in [[city name]] and have helped them build great teams.

Let me know if you’d be up for a quick chat tomorrow at 3PM Eastern?



Catégories Recruitment Business development Modèle par
Ifrah Nasser , Recruiterflow
Hunter Campaigns

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