Objet :

Content cooperation

Hi {{first_name}},

I'd like to follow up on how we can cooperate in the content matter.

I'm open to discuss the details here, alternatively, we can set up a call here.

P.S. If you're not the right person to this matter, I'd be happy to know the right contact to talk to.

[[your name]]

Catégories Follow-up SEO follow-up Modèle par
Katia Myroniuk , Audext

À propos de ce modèle

- Made a quick reminder of the previous email (discuss content cooperation).

- Added a CTA offering to convenient options to proceed with conversation (via email or phone call).

- Asked for the decision-maker’s contact information, in case the prospect Katia is reaching out to is not a relevant one.
Katia Myroniuk
Hunter Campaigns

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