What’s new at Hunter? (February 2023)

In this post, we tell you about two of our latest updates, the next features we’re working on and some recent company updates.

Enjoy your read!

New features: webmail verifications & leads 2.0

Webmail email verifications

Until recently, Hunter didn’t verify webmail email addresses (Gmail, Outlook, etc.). This was initially done since Hunter’s primary focus is to help professionals connect, and this limit helped to prevent misuse.

But we’ve realized that not every company or professional has their own professional email domain, and it became obvious the best way to serve our customers is to remove this limitation… You can now verify all sorts of emails with Hunter’s Email Verifier!

Leads 2.0

The Leads section is the cornerstone of our data products, and we’ve just revamped it so you can leverage its full potential. This 2.0 version brings two main benefits: the navigation is simplified and the interface loads faster.

Give it a try!

Author finder sunset

A lot of SEO people (including our own team) use Hunter in their workflow. The Author Finder was designed for them.

But we didn't manage to get a satisfying match rate. Why?

  • Oftentimes, authors cannot be identified on a webpage ;
  • Some companies rely heavily on freelancers and guest posts which makes the email research process very complex if not impossible ;

This led to a low adoption rate of the feature. For that reason, we’ve decided to discontinue it and dedicate more resources on improving other key functionalities. If you need any assistance with the transition, please feel free to reach out to us.

Coming up next: Campaigns improvements

What’s next on our product team’s agenda? We started working on two improvements to enhance our cold email tool, Campaigns.

Campaigns 2.0

Not all leads reply to your emails. However, interested leads will probably open your emails or click them more often. We’re working on a new view that will let you identify the hottest leads in just a few clicks.

We’ll also ship a new unified inbox so you can check all your replies from the same unique screen in Hunter.

HubSpot integration 3.0

Using HubSpot? You’ll love this update: we’re going to allow you to sync your Campaigns’ leads and activities seamlessly.

If you’d like to contribute to these improvements, feel free to reach out to Greg using this link or by sending an email to greg@hunter.io.

Company updates: the team keeps growing!

Since last November, we’ve welcomed Ana (account manager), Bart (Rails engineer) and Fayzan (back-end engineer).

They will help us take even better care of our customers and make Hunter.io more powerful than ever.

Our next hire? We’re looking for a Senior Content Manager.

Anna, Bart and Fayzan during our company retreat in Portugal.