4 Copywriting Frameworks To Structure Cold Emails (Using ChatGPT)

Have you ever experienced writer’s block when writing cold emails?

If you’re not sure what to say in your message, following a proven framework may help. Copywriting frameworks won’t make your offer better, but they can help you frame it in a convincing, relevant way.

In this article, I’ll present four of the most popular copywriting frameworks.

I’ll share examples of how they can be applied in the cold email context.

And finally, I’ll share a ChatGPT prompt that you can use to apply them to your offer automatically.

AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)

The objective of the AIDA framework is to gradually get your recipient to take action by guiding them through all stages of the buyer’s journey with targeted messages.

Originally, AIDA was meant as a model that maps a customer’s journey to making a purchase, and in that context, it encompasses multiple touchpoints and messages.

However, it can also be used as a copywriting framework that helps you surface multiple value points of your product/service in a single message (or, in this context, a single email.)

AIDA is simple: first, you get your prospect’s attention, you then capture their interest and generate desire for your services or products. The last step is about driving them to take action.

AIDA cold email example

Hi {{firstname}},

Back when I worked in eCommerce, cart abandonment was the one thing we always struggled with. Turns out, we didn’t have the right tools. → This paragraph captures the recipient’s attention by citing a relevant business problem and suggesting a possible solution.

Our re-engagement product have helped Volcom, Vans, and Heineken boost sales through reducing cart abandonment by 5% on average. → Here, we aim to capture interest with a substantial value promise and relevant social proof.

At {{company}}, we specialize in elevating e-commerce experiences with targeted, user-friendly popups. They only take a couple of minutes to set up, so you could start boosting your store's potential today. → By saying more about the solution and framing it as easy to implement, we make the recipient desire a test drive.

Would you like to see a demo? (No call needed!) → Finally, we call the recipient to action.

BAB (Before-After-Bridge)

The BAB framework relies on 3 elements:

  1. Before: We describe the recipient's current situation, focusing on the problems or challenges they are facing.
  2. After: We paint a picture of what their world could look like after their problem is solved.
  3. Bridge: Finally, we introduce your product or solution as the 'bridge' that can take them from their current situation (Before) to the desired situation (After).

BAB cold email example

Hi {{firstname}},

Seeing high cart abandonment at [Company Name]? You're not alone. → We accurately describe the “before” for any eCommerce shop.

Imagine reducing it by 5% in 10 minutes. And as a side bonus, watch your email subscriptions soar by 10%. → We paint the picture of the reality after using our product.

That's what our popups do. We've helped Volcom, Vans, and Heineken achieve a 5% reduction in cart abandonment with targeted popups that you can start using today. → We show the “bridge” – the thing that will take them from “before” to “after.”

Want to see how?

PAS (Problem-Agitation-Solution)

What is the PAS framework?

PAS uses 3 elements:

  • The Problem: You start by identifying and describing a problem that your target audience is experiencing.
  • Agitation: In this step, you intensify the problem by discussing its implications and consequences.
  • Solution: Finally, you introduce your product or service as the solution to the problem you've outlined.

PAS cold email example

Hi {{firstname}},

Have you noticed more cart abandonments at [Company Name] lately? You're not alone. Many e-commerce businesses struggle with this issue. → Similar to the other frameworks, we start with the problem.

It's not just lost sales; it's missed opportunities. → Here, we dig into the problem to emphasize the severe consequences – we agitate.

But here's some good news. Our SaaS popup solution can help you reduce cart abandonment by 5%. And it takes minutes to set up.

Big names like Volcom, Vans, and Heineken are already seeing these benefits. → We introduce the solution that alleviates the problem.

How about a quick demo to let you explore further?

PPPP (Problem-Promise-Prove-Push)

What is the PPPP framework?

Here are the 4 components of the framework:

  1. Problem: Begin by identifying and describing a problem that your target audience is experiencing.
  2. Promise: After highlighting the problem, you make a promise to your audience. This promise is your commitment to solving the problem you've just described.
  3. Prove: In this phase, you provide evidence to support your promise. This can be in the form of data, testimonials, case studies, or demonstrations.
  4. Push: Finally, this is your call to action.

PPPP cold email example

Hi {{firstname}},

Noticing many visitors leave [Company Name]'s cart without purchasing? → Starting with the problem.

Our SaaS popup can reduce cart abandonment by 5%, effortlessly. It also boosts email subscriptions by 10%, enhancing customer engagement. → We promise a solution to the problem.

We're trusted by Volcom, Vans, and Heineken. → Social proof reinforces trust and helps the recipient visualize success.

Imagine achieving similar results for [Company Name]. Fancy a quick demo to see how? → Finally, we push to get to the next stage of our sales process.

ChatGPT prompt to apply to your offer

Here’s the ChatGPT prompt to use:

My product: I'm working in [describe your type of business, e.g., SaaS for e-commerce]. We're selling [insert the name of the solution and what it does, e.g., a popup tool that helps combat cart abandonment]. The benefits of our solution: [insert quantifiable metrics that can be improved with your solution] . My call-to-action: [insert the action you want your recipient to take after reading the email]. Social proof: we're working with [insert relevant companies that are your existing customers]

Can you generate a cold email using the [Insert the name of the copywriting framework] copywriting framework?

The email should be personalized (first name, company name). It should be 6 sentences long, maximum. Each sentence must be 12 words, maximum. It should have line breaks to make it easy to read. The call to action should be a question. The tone should be casual.